Settling In...
Below are our articles on the subject of Settling In. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Cultural Differences in the Middle East
If you are thinking about emigrating to the Middle East you need to be aware of the difference in culture, religion and laws applicable as they are substantially…...
Dealing With Home Sickness
This article outlines some ideas on how to eradicate home sickness when you have moved overseas from the UK....
How to Spot a Good Property Buy Abroad
This article outlines some of the ways you can get a hot property abroad and mentions a few points to look out for before you buy....
Making Friends After Relocating
This article provides a few suggestions on how to make friends when you've taken the step of moving abroad....
Moving Back to the UK After Living Abroad
Moving back to the UK can be a stressful time for many people. Adapting to life in the UK again comes with it's own problems, but there are a number of steps that you…...
Settling into a New Culture
This article gives hints on how to settle into your new culture when you emigrate from the UK....
Settling Into Your New Life Abroad
This article looks at ways of knowing you've settled into a new country after emigrating and are in the process of 'going native'....
Similarities Between the UK and Your New Home
Finding similarities between your new home and the UK can help you settle into your new way of life more easily. There are a number of ways to find similarities and…...
Staying Safe in Your New Country
This article outlines some basic safety tips to help you stay safe when you move abroad....
Voting in Your New Country and in the UK After Emigrating
As a UK citizen, you maintain your right to vote even when moving abroad, but there are specific rules in place for doing so. As a newcomer abroad, it's also important…...
What Do Relocation Experts Offer?
This article explains what a relocation expert can do for you when you’re moving abroad....