Work & Education...
Below are our articles on the subject of Work & Education. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Conducting Voluntary Work After Emigrating
This article outlines some of the opportunities in voluntary work that await new residents who have emigrated from the UK....

Educating Your Child in a New Country
This article outlines some of the key factors you should deal with when planning to educate your child in a new country....

Emigrating Due to Existing Employment
This article outlines the possibilities of emigrating with existing employment and specifically highlights moving to the USA and Australia....

Jobseeker Programme and Emigration
This article outlines the Jobseeker Programme and how it can improve your chances of securing a job abroad before leaving the UK....

Securing Employment in Your New Country
This article explains some of the important tasks to carry out to help you secure employment in your new country....

Starting Up Your Business Abroad
This article outlines some essential knowledge for starting up a business abroad....

Teaching English Abroad
If you're thinking about living abroad and want to earn whilst you travel, teaching English may be for you....

The Business Migration Scheme
This article examines the Business Migration Scheme in Australia and the opportunities that are available for UK residents to move there under a business visa....